Free QR Generator and Scanner 정보
매력적인 UI 및 공유 옵션을 갖춘 빠른 QR 코드 스캐너 및 발전기!
Fast QR Code Scanner and Generator with attractive UI and sharing option.
Free QR Code Scanner and Generator
App features :
- Scan all types of QR.
- Copy QR Code result to clipboard.
- Scan QR using camera.
- Choose QR from gallery to Scan it.
- Search QR results in Web.
- Dark mode.
- Generate QR for following categories
1. Text
2. Business Card
3. Link/ URL
4. Clipboard Text
5. Email
6. SMS
Save QR will store QR Code to device internal storage.
You can also Share QR Code to others via other available applications on your device.
Scan QR will display results in UI.
User can also choose a QR image from gallery. Choosen image result will be displayed to UI.
Users can copy that result data to clipboard or share that data.
Please give me feedback about Free QR code Scanner and Generator to develop next good version!!!