frog Remember 2017 정보
new practice your playing skills in this puzzle! in frog Remember 2017
Play frog Remember 2017 on your Android phone ,Is a brand new and amazing game!
Now you can play frog Remember 2017 on your Android device for free,You must survive more;
Our new modern version appears Halloween style ;
The AI of this game is one of the best you will see,
It adapts to your style of play and is highly unpredictable,
Unlike other frog Remember 2017 on the market,
You will always find frog Remember 2017 AI to be fresh and entertaining,
If not all AI skills can be adjusted on the ingame fly,
So; You can ride the difficulty while playing or step down if you have cornered;
Simple fashion; 1 player & Get smart ,
new practice your playing skills in this puzzle! in vr frog Remember 2017
What's new in the latest 1.0
- Nice and High Resolution Of graphic