Garden Lighting Design 정보
Planning a garden lighting at night
Lighting (lighting) led the garden look beautiful not only in the daytime, but also at night. Highlight lights leading to a beautiful winding tree trunk, the displays feature a garden. Not only beautiful views, garden with perfect lighting on at night, able to give a romantic impression.
Lighting is an element forming the atmosphere of the garden should be planned early if want the park can also be enjoyed when the evenings. , There are several purposes for garden lighting concept is for security, for directions, and to showcase the beauty of the garden elements. In addition to the lights displayed bias, other considerations, namely the visual of the house (the armature) lamps.
The following are some key points which could be a fundamental input.
Lighting for security
For security purposes, usually dots lighting of the lamp is focused on the farthest corners of the limiting ends of the plot. Typically, using a light with a bias and headlights Air intonation white color so radius surrounding area looks bright.
Lighting for directions
When night falls and a limited view of the need to be assisted with lighting that directs our race. To help the orientation towards the required lighting rhythm rhythmic and with a certain distance. For example, to direct a step when climbing stairs then dots lights placed on the edges of the steps. Similarly, the lighting was placed on paths that are on the edge of the pond, should be given uplight to assert boundary edges of the pond.
Lighting to showcase the beauty of the park elements
Lighting can also be intended to showcase the beauty of the elements in the garden like a tree trunk winding exotic, the walls were covered by a vertical garden, or a statue (sculpture) as garden accessories. For this purpose, use spotlights bias ber light yellow intonation and directed to point section garden elements you want to display.
armature lights
Besides spotlights hidden, there are also elements of lighting that is both ornate and want displayed when daylight as part of the elements of the park. These elements are often referred to as the home (the armature) lights because it serves as a home that protects the bulb and systems supporting. To look stylish, adjust the armature lamp with the architectural style of your home.