Gas Station Simulator Tips and Trick 정보
주유소 시뮬레이터 플레이에 대한 가이드, 팁, 트릭 및 지침을 제공합니다.
Welcome to Gas Station Simulator Tips and Trick, we provide guides, tips, trick and instructional for play Gas Station Simulator, so you gonna enjoy using our friendly tips that will make the game easier for you.
Before we jump to the guide and tips, we will first discuss what Gas Station Simulator is. Gas Station Simulator is all about renovating, expanding and running a gas station along a highway in the middle of nowhere USA. This prologue to the game serves as an introduction to the beginnings of it all, where you find an abandoned gas station, buy it and start renovating it in order to be able to service your first customers. That's why we call the prologue "Early Days".
Gas Station Simulator puts the player in the role of an intrepid entrepreneur who is turning a run down desert gas station into a profitable enterprise. The early game sees the player get occasional telephone calls from a supposedly kindly uncle who is supporting with the property, although not everything is quite as it seems. As such, Gas Station Simulator structurally feels like what would happen if Stardew Valley took a sharp turn into late-stage capitalism.
Disclaimer: This is not an official Gas Station Simulator! You can download a Gas Station Simulator Tips and Trick to ease your way into the game, but you can only play using the official app, which we are not legally affiliated with!
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