Gecko On Screen Prank 정보
Apply Realistic effect of Gecko on the screen and make fun with your friend.
Real movement and high quality of graphics can make anybody pranked that a real animal is moving on the screen on his phone.
Real Movement is generated on the basis of a real film showing a Gecko moving in it's natural environment.
This appliGeckoion will display very realistic animation of Gecko on the screen of your phone.
Make fun with your friends using Gecko On Screen Prank App.
high quality of graphics and realistic movement of a Gecko available .
How to Use-:
- Set Position of Gecko where you can set movement of Gecko . ( e.g. Left , Right , Top , Bottom .)
- Set Size of Gecko . ( e.g. Normal , Bigger .)
- Set time dealy for showing Gecko . ( e.g Immediately , After 10 second ,also set custome time .)
- Hide Gecko icon in status bar .4
- Gecko sound On/Off .
- Press Show Gecko Button and see magic , Gecko will available on your mobile screen with real movement .
- Stop movement of Gecko press STOP button from notifiGeckoion.
Note - : This app is for fun and entertainment purpose only.