General Science in Marathi 정보
General Science Notes,One Liner,Quiz and MCQs in Marathi
Main Topics:
- मनोरंजक (Entertainment GK in Marathi)
- विज्ञान (Science GK in Marathi)
- इतिहास (History GK in Marathi)
- गणित ( Mathematics General Knowledge in Marathi)
- भूगोल (MPSC Geography in Marathi)
- अर्थशास्त्र (Economics Notes in Marathi)
- प्राणीशास्त्र (Zoology Dictionary offline Marathi)
- वनस्पतीशास्त्र (Botany Notes in Marathi)
- वैद्यशास्त्र (Doctoralism GK in Marathi)
- समाजशास्त्र (Sociology Book in Marathi)
- कलाकार (Artist GK in Marathi)
- क्रीडा (Sports GK in Marathi)
- शिक्षण (Teaching Methodology in Marathi)
- राजकीय (Poltical Science in Marathi)
- अवकाश संशोधन (Leisure Research)
- शोध व शोधक (Search and Researcher)
- रसायनशास्त्र (Chemistry Notes in Marathi)
- लोकसंख्या (Population)
- रोजच्या वापरातले (Current Affairs in Marathi)
- अनोखे विज्ञान (Unique science)
- संगणक ज्ञान (computer GK in Marathi)
You can find notes, one liner and MCQs in Marathi.General Science App for Class 10,11,12,General Science GK in Marathi,General Science MCQ in Marathi offline,General Science Study Guides,General Science Question Answer in Marathi,General Knowledge,NEET General Science Quiz in Marathi,General Science Text Book,General Science Study App,General Science Apps in Marathi,General Science Objective Questions in Marathi,General Science Oneliner GK,General Science Notes in Marathi,General Science Question Bank,Samanya Vigyan in Marathi,NCERT Science GK General Knowledge,General Science QA.
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Constitution of India Notes,Constitution of India Quiz,Bharat ka sanvidhan in Marathi,Child Marriage Act 2006,Right to Information Act 2005 (RTI),Indian Constitution in Marathi offline,Criminal Law India in Marathi,Land Mutation Law,Hindu Marriage Act 1955 and Special Marriage Act 1954,Divorce Act 1869,Husband Wife Rights in Marathi,Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956,Guardian and Wards Act,Family Law Bare Act,Family Court Act 1984,Woman Laws in Marathi,Defamation laws,Consumer Protection Act 1986,Legal Rights for Doctors, Students and Teachers,Railway Law in Marathi,GST 2018 कायदा,RTO कायदे,Bhartiya Dand Sanhita 1860 in Marathi (IPC in Marathi),patwari exam book in Marathi 2018,Traffic Rules and Penalty in Marathi,Maharashtra Land Revenue Code 1966 in Marathi,Gram Panchayat App Marathi ( Information related to Gram Panchayat laws of Maharashtra),Co Operative Housing Society Laws Marathi,Human Rights Law in India in Marathi,Sirf Mahilao ke liye Kanoon (Women Rights in India),Kayda in Marathi,Marathi Law Apps,GST app in Marathi,Satbara Utara Maharashtra (7 12 Utara),Kamgar Kayda Marathi,RTI Act 2005 in Marathi (Mahiticha Adhikar Marathi),Rules of the Road in Marathi (RTO Exam Guide),CPC civil procedure code in Marathi,CPC bare act,CRPC 1860 in Marathi,bhart ka samvidhan,patwari exam book in Marathi 2018