Genie - BETA (From EkStep) 정보
요정은 학습 기회에 당신의 창입니다
Genie (Beta) - From EkStep is an application by EkStep Foundation a not for profit initiative.
EkStep is a platform to create, share and distribute free, community sourced educational content for primary school children.
Genie gives you access to free educational content from the EkStep platform. With Genie you can
- Explore and download free educational content
- Create and manage multiple users (and group) profiles
- Consume interactive audio-visual content
- Use the app in English, Hindi and Kannada (More Indian languages coming soon!)
- Get recommendations for content best suited for the user (coming soon!)
Background vector for screenshots created by Layerace -
What's new in the latest 6.6.2361
* Added information regarding device permissions that are requested at launch.