Geo Quiz 정보
Educational game to learn countries location flags and capitals.
Educational game to learn countries location, flags and capitals.
The geographical quiz have levels categories:
- Locate a country in the map
- Find a country capital
- Find the country flag
- Find the capital flag
- Find the flag from the map
For each category you can choose your continent
By completing all levels you unlock the MASTER LEVELS!!
Masters levels are randomly asked questions.
The level terminate at the first mistake.
Who will be the leader board world master?
You get a score at each level, the fina and master levels have leader board on google play games.
You get 1000 points for each good answer.
For each good answer you can get a time bonus up to 1000 points if you answer quickly.
By completing all l
What's new in the latest 1.1.3
Geo Quiz apk 정보
Geo Quiz의 오래된 버전
Geo Quiz 1.1.3
Geo Quiz 1.1.0
Geo Quiz 1.0.1
Partner Developer
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