Global Youth Evangelism 정보
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The vision of Global Youth Evangelism and its associated out reaches, had its origin in the late 1950s in a small mountain house church near Los Gatos, California. In a miraculous move of God, the Holy Spirit began to touch and call men and women to a renewed commitment to experience the reality of the presence of the living God.
In 1961, after construction of new facilities, the vision of world evangelism began to unfold. Following the scriptural pattern (Acts 1:8), the church body began to reach out to the local and nearby communities through a weekly radio broadcast and through "Released Time Evangelism" in the public schools. As young people responded to the move of God, the church helped sponsor "Youth Invasions" throughout Northern California under what was called: “Teenage Evangelism.
Then in the early 1970s, in response to an outpouring of God's Holy Spirit on young people in the drug culture, an intensive one year Bible School was established. This was started in order to train and disciple young Christians in Christian living and Kingdom principals for future service and ministry. Before long the missionary vision of GYE began to become more established and members of the congregation became involved in an outreach to Mexican immigrant workers. In order to increase the effectiveness of the ministry by transcending denominational boundaries, Global Youth Evangelism was incorporated June 1, 1965. In the late sixties the Holy Spirit began to direct the development of an international ministry through the establishment of missionary training centers at Los Gatos, California and in Guadalajara, Mexico.