Gold Detector 정보
금과 금속 감지
Gold Detector app is an amazing tool that uses magnetic sensor to find the metal surrounding you.
Make sure you are not around your computer or Tv or other electronic devices which can interfere
with the readings of the magnetic sensor making Gold Detector less powerful that it can be.
Gold Detectors can be also used as emf detector.
Gold Detector
works well on ferromagnetic materials like iron steel nickel and cobalt etc.
detects metal object signals at a range of up to 20 cm.
Live graph of reading is make it more cool and interesting.
Gold Detector app that gives result in both analog and digital form.
This can also use as key finder tool.
Beep immediately on detection of any Metal object or electromagnetic signal.
Detect hidden electrical wires and metal objects in walls.
Some people also is it as body scanner Gold Detector for entertainment.
Gold Detector app uses the built-in magnetic field sensor of your smart phone.
easy to use and an extremely useful application for your android phone.
If you want to detect the presence of any metals around your phone just trigger
the application and it will immediately tell you if any metals are present in your surroundings.
Gold Detector The normal Electromotive force EMF field level is about
59µT micro Tesla or 590mG milli gauss 1µT = 10mG. When any metal object like steel or iron is near Gold Detector app reading will increase with a beef sound. Gold Detector first of all after running this app if your phone shows high reading then immediately keep it away from everything to set it normal 0µT – 59µT . Gold Detector meter in the app can also be used as emf meter .
Metal meter app uses your devices magnetic sensor to measure
magnetic field values and turns any Android into a real Gold Detector.
Metal meter apps require a magnetic sensor magnetometer.
If this app does not work properly please check the specifications of your device. if not working it mean that your mobile phone have no magnetic sensor to find metals or to detect metals . try another mobile phone to detect metal .
Metal finder app use as spy devices detector because it detect
hidden metal so same like that it will also detect hidden spy bugs and spy devices .
so this Gold Detector help you to detect spy hidden devices Gold Detector and body scanner .
to find metal try this metal finder application. this will detect metal .
Gold Detector free app data is displayed in µT micro Testla . 1µT = 10mG milli Gauss .
when there is metal in the area magnetic field increases . Gauss meter app works best
detecting ferromagnetic materials such as iron and cant detect non ferromagnetic
materials such as aluminum to find metals use this metal finder app.
Metal meter use as metal finder is best free detector app of 2020
it is so easy to use and an extremely useful application for your android mobile.
What's new in the latest 1.0.4
metal detector
bugs fixed