GPS Places Finder: Navigation - 2019 정보
GPS 장소 찾기를 사용하면 현재 위치를 신속하게 얻고 공유 할 수 있습니다.
GPS Place finder navigation 2019 allow you to quickly obtain and share your current location (GPS coordinates or address).
It also can be used to find a specific location, allowing you to quickly show location on map,
Get directions to it, or show it in Street View.
It handles both Decimal and DMS coordinate format.
Quickly share your current location
Show location on a map
Get directions to a location
Show a 'Street View' of a location
Easy to use
In order to use 'GPS finder', your device must have a GPS sensor.
Some actions in app require other external applications which can handle specific map content, in case of not having this app not all functionality will be available.
'Google Maps' is preferred to handle those contents.
Precise location - To obtain your current location
Internet access - To obtain address from location, also to handle additional actions (sharing, using external map) .