GTU Exam TimeTable 정보
학생들은 진행중인 세션의 신속 GTU 시험 일정을 볼 수 있습니다.
GTU Exam Timetable make things easier for the students to view quickly GTU exam schedule of ongoing session.
App will keep students informed of Exam timetable to improve grades with subjects by being updated with each time it reflect changes on website.
Timetable application will provide date & time with each subject name and code for input data. It can help or guide students to schedule to study towards the each subject of exam.
Exam app can be used by students as well as parents and teachers to be notified about various exams taken by Gujarat Technological University.
GTU mobile application turns your Android device into an invaluable tool for keeping you in touch with what you need to know as you enter your course and semester with branch you are looking for.
For students, it provides you with access to the latest information from the University regarding exams schedule, wherever you are.