Guide For Summoners War: Lost Centuria 정보
Summoners War 오픈 베타 Lost Centuria가 마침내 Google Play에서 사용 가능합니다.
Summoners War open beta: Lost Centuria is finally available on Google Play!So much emotion today for Summoners War fans with a new game from Com2uS on the same day as the SWC 2020 final.
Com2uS has finally revealed the gameplay for its next offering Summoners War: Lost Centuria. The game is based on its most successful gacha game Summoners War: Sky Arena’s universe, so expect all the monsters, characters, elements, and many more from Sky Arena. Summoners War: Lost Centuria is a PvP focus real-time strategy game, where the players need to focus on strategy and timing to beat their opponents. Com2uS has released a developer commentary gameplay video to explain how their game works.
DISCLAIMER: This app guide to help you about Summoners War Lost Centuria