Hamri Gyan Indriya 정보
Hmari 기안 Indriyas의 우리의 현재와 우리가 어떻게 그들을 제어 할 수 있습니다
Chela, a Sanskrit word for student, as used in the Guru-shishya tradition of Hinduism or the Guru-Sikh tradition of Sikhi. Each of the 5 senses of the body called the Gyan indriya may be compared to students:
chakshu, srotra, ghran, rashna, sparsh-Ears, Eyes, Skin, Tongue and Nose are used to gain knowledge of the world and the surroundings that each is capable of experiencing. The 5 organs of actions: the hands, legs, excretory and sexual organs (Karma Indriya) of the fetus develop in the womb along with the sense of hearing. Vision, speech and language develop after the child is born.
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