Haroldo's Portfolio 정보
Haroldo 파울 리노의 포트폴리오
To whom it may concern,
My experience as a Software Developer has afforded me the opportunity to become familiar with several programming languages.
I also have extensive experience in modern methodologies such as Object Oriented Programming and MVC.
In my position as Programmer/Analyst, I am responsible for Apache/Zend Server administration and security certificates implementation. Develop most of our platform under LAMP, with DB2 being our main database engine.
Also using JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML, JSON, Java and Android. Maintain an existing web-based system written in Cold Fusion. Write the new web-system's custom framework. Design 3D animations and promo videos, as well as graphic design for multiple purposes and the new company's website.
Thank you for your interest in my Portfolio.
Haroldo Paulino