Healthy life 정보
This app is for you looking to have a healthy and happy life!
Do you want to have a happy and healthy life?
Do you feel you need to find healthy lifestyles?
Then this app is for you!
Find a variety of tips, tips and lifestyles to transform the person you are into a happy and healthy person.
Find in our app ....
-All diets to lose weight fast
-Diet for diabetics
-disc for cholesterol
How to lose belly
- Effective Exercises to Lose Weight
-Genics for weight loss
- exercises for the abdomen
-abdominal exercises
-licensed to lose weight
natural juices to lose weight
-balances for weight loss
-habitants of healthy life
healthy juices
-aerobic exercises
-Diet to lose belly
-exercise and health
-natural juices
-health and life
-exercises at home
quick diets
-treatment to lose weight
And much more.
Forget about the life you lead and give it a 180 degree turn with your new healthy life app.
Concept of healthy life:
Healthy life is understood as a way of life in which the person maintains a harmonious balance in their diet, physical activity, intellectual activity, recreation (especially outdoors) rest, hygiene and spiritual peace.
To lead a healthy life all kinds of excess should be avoided: eating as much as eating too little is as bad. In this sense must choose the most nutritious foods, especially cereals, fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water, maintaining an adequate body weight. Fashion has pushed people to lose weight to look extremely thin, leading many young people to diseases such as bulimia and anorexia that put their lives at risk.
With the other aspects something similar happens. For example, you should sleep approximately eight hours a day, walking twenty blocks a day (according to age and general physical condition). Nothing should be lived as an obsession, thinking all the time about things that could affect us and avoid them desperately, will only lead to alter psychological balance.
It should also avoid drugs, alcohol, tobacco, self-medication; and consult the doctor in cases of symptoms of a pathology, and once a year, as a routine, after the age of 40, to do analysis, cardiological studies, and control blood pressure.
Today living conditions make it difficult to avoid everyday stress and trouble; they tend to eat quickly and badly, to consume products rich in fats and dyes, to sleep little, to try to have more and more material things, taking time away from leisure and social life, which are also necessary parts of a healthy life. Many of the diseases recognize their origin in the modern lifestyle, thinking about this we create the healthy life app, thinking about the health and well-being of today's people that does not give hope!
Good health habits can enable you to avoid an illness and improve your quality of life. The following steps will help you feel and live better.
- Exercise regularly and control weight.
-No Smoking.
- Do not drink a lot of alcohol and avoid it altogether if you have a history of alcoholism.
- Use the medicines prescribed by your health care provider according to -
- Eat a healthy and balanced diet.
-Taking care of teeth.
-Control the arterial hypertension.
Exercise is a key factor in staying healthy. Exercise strengthens bones, heart and lungs, tones muscles, improves vitality, relieves depression and helps to better sleep.
Talk to your provider before beginning an exercise program if you have health problems like obesity, hypertension or diabetes. This helps ensure that the exercise is safe and that you get the best out of it.
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