HeartCare 정보
간단한 테스트를 사용하여 건강 상태 (BMI, 지방 %)을 알아 내고 귀하의 진행 상황을 따라
This program is designed to estimate the risk of cardiovascular diseases by using "quality of life" testing (health related quality of life) based on the Framingham study (Framingham Heart Study)which reflects your current state of health as an integral characteristic of physical, psychological, social, and emotional state.
It also estimates body mass index (BMI), which allows to assess the degree of compliance between weight of the person and his growth and thereby indirectly estimate whether there is lack of weight, normal or excessive weight.
Сalculation is performed together with the percentage of fat contained in the body, that shows the status of health of an organism, and particularly the cardiovascular system.
For user convenience, the calculation of body mass index and body fat percentage are made in separate menus.