Hidden Cam 정보
It will record video secretly by front or back cam.
* do not use it for any illegal work.*
* its your own responsibility for using it.*
Hidden Cam App.
Working procedure-
First time if you click on app icon video setting screen will be show.
from where you can set front or back cam for recording. you can set or default folder where recorded video will be saved.
you can save default time duration of video and you can change password.
If you set your default folder after that next time whenever you click on app icon video recording will be start and again click on app icon recording will be stop.
when recording will be start you will see a blank notification in notification bar of your device that means recording is running.
after setting your default folder you wanna see your setting screen for change password aur see recorded video dial your password from dail pad.
for example if you set your password 1234.
then dial 1234 from dialpad and setting screen will be opened.
If you Lost Your Mobile then send a message to your device with message body Hidden cam F or Hidden Cam B depending You wanna record video from Front Cam or back cam.
For stop video send message with message body Hidden cam stop.
If your protection option is ON in settings screen then your recoreded video will be locked with your password it will be treated as a corrupt video in galley only you can see recoreded video from this app by entering your password.
What's new in the latest 3.3
Now All features is Free