HiEdu - Chemistry free 정보
화학 무료 화학 abount 학생들을 위해 필요한 모든 지식을 포함
The app allows to discover chemical reactions and to solve the chemical equations with one and several unknown variables. You'll always have Mendeleev's periodic table and the solubility table handy. And even the calculator of molar masses!
♥ Periodic table is very convenient . You can press a chemical element in the table to look some the information.
♥ The table of solubility of substances is added in the app. Now your textbooks become waste!
♥ Electronegativity table extremely easy to understand
The app discovers the equations of chemical reactions even if the right or left part is unknown, helps you with organic and inorganic chemistry. The discovered reactions in an usual and ionic aspect will be mapped and formulas of organic chemistry are drawn for you.