HOME App 정보
Hungry Howie의 상점 소유자가 비즈니스를 관리하는 데 도움이되는 도구입니다.
We built the HOME (Howie's Online Management Exchange) app because the pace of business in the world has changed, and the way each of us use technology has changed. Building this app allows us to provide you, the Hungry Howie's store owner, a connection to tools that can help manage your business and communicate unlike ever before. If you don't have a smartphone or tablet currently, no worries, we've created a solution that can use the app in a browser.
At Hungry Howie's, technology isn't just a part of our business, it is a fundamental building block for future growth. With your support, we'll continue to improve to help all of us be better business people, and also provide our customers with easy to use solutions.