How to Do Contortion 정보
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Learn how to do a contortion handstand by following these five simple steps! This is an advanced tutorial so only attempt if you can do the required skills.
Contortionists are skilled at stretching their bodies into different shapes, with good balance skill. Mostly due to spinal flexibility and strength. You may think you need to be born flexible or double-jointed to become a contortionist, but in fact, with enough practice and stretching, you can learn basic contortion movements.[1] Always warm up your muscles before trying contortion stretching and exercises on your own, as you do not want to pull a muscle or injure yourself. Seeking professional guidance from a contortionist teacher or coach can also help you to become more flexible and go deeper into contortionist movements.
Contortion is performance art, that showcases the performer’s extreme flexibility. This can be combined with acrobatics, lyra and or hand balancing. Soffi Dossi does a stunning lyra and contortion routine.