How To Read Palm Lines 정보
Your life is in your hands! Read your palms to find your fate.
Palm line reading, or palmistry, has grown over the years as a personal passageway to the unknown. Based largely on of the shape, length and other specialized characteristics of lines on the palm, palmistry is often subjective.
Basically, the major hand lines represent physical energy i.e. life line, mental energy i.e. head line and emotional energy i.e. heart line or, in simple terms, body, mind and soul.
They are found on every hand, even if the heart line and head line are sometimes merged into one line, called the simian line.
The purpose of this app is to give you some basic information about each line, without going into too much detail. Your own hand lines may be different from what we have chosen to cover here, but most of the time, the following explanations will give you a good start in palm reading.
Here's a sneak-peak of the content you are going to get inside this app:
Another reward to learning how to do palm reading is that it is an awesome approach to meet individuals at an exceptionally individual level. During the palm reading you are holding their hand, and they have their full consideration focused on you.
How often does that happen with strangers?
We can help you read palm. Simply take five minutes to answer a series of questions based on the lines in your hand and you will have a personalized reading or your palm.
It's fun and easy, so let’s start…
Grab quickly, it’s free..!!
Note: - This Is Content - Only App. It provides you information regarding tips to read palm line.