HTMLView / ZIP 정보
HTMLView lets you view zipped HTML content on your device.
HTMLView lets you view zipped offline HTML content on your device. Just copy an ZIP – file containing HTML files - e.g android help or gradle tutorial – to you device. Then start HTMLView, browse to the zip – file and choose to open it. You can then read the files in the browser as if you were online. It‘s also possible to start with a html – file directly located in the filesystem without zipping the whole thing.
Please note that zip files must contain an index.html file as entrypoint.
Offline reading may not work if your html-files are linked to each other with fully qualified urls.
Javascript may not work if libraries coming from from external servers are not accessible.
Javascript may not work if your devices web-display component is too old.
What's new in the latest 1.1
Adapted to android 7