Hunter Seeker 정보
모바일 장치에서 실행할 수있는 경량 이메일 주소 찾기 엔진
Hunter Seeker is a quick, lightweight email address finding engine that can be run from your Android device. Designed to connect users to the contact information of smaller businesses/websites thousands of times faster than it would take if you scanned each page of the website yourself. Especially good for job hunters, startups, and recruiters.
The application has two modes:
1.) Random search, activated when user does NOT put anything in "find email addresses containing:" field, and provides a URL. Random search will return the first ~20 emails discovered by the engine.
2.) Filter search, activated when the user provides a search term AND a URL. The engine will continuously look for emails until it finds one matching the search criteria. Once it is found, it stops.
Note: The creator of this app is not responsible for malicious/illegal use of the data produced by this application, including but not limited to spamming or solicitation of unwanted business.