Hydrobot 정보
Hydrobot helps children discover what drinking healthily means.
Learn with fun!
Playful and educational, Hydrobot helps children discover what drinking healthily means.
More than a robot, a friend!
Guiding children through a typical day, Hydrobot helps them record what they usually drink. Its machinery performs an automatic calculation to guide them toward healthier hydration:
- Do they drink enough water?
- If not, how many glasses of water should they drink to reach official guidelines?
- What proportion of what they drink contains sugar?
Time to play with Hydrobot!
In short:
- interactive learning tool for kids
- easy process to select drinks for each time of the day
- introduction to a healthier hydration
- a welcoming speaking robot
...and many more surprises!
- Conceived for children from 6 to 10
- 100% free-to-play
- No connected network necessary
- Only compatible with tablet devices: Android 4.4
About Danone Research:
Hydrobot is developed by Danone Research and aims at raising awareness among children on the importance of hydration for heatlh.