ICD10Doc - ICD, CPT, Billing 정보
Easy & accurate coding application for ICD-9 & 10 Diagnosis and Procedures
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Crosswalks for ICD-9 and ICD-10, ICD and CPT, ICD and PQRS
The following areas are covered:
ICD-9 ,ICD-10 ,Diagnosis ,Procedures, CM ,PCS, GEM
E/M , Codes - Medical, Clinical, Dental, Coding, Billing, , Outpatient & Inpatient
RVU, Physician Fees, Anesthesia Fees & Crosswalk
Medical Necessity & Unlikely Edits
NCD, LCD, National & Local Coverage Determination
NCCI edits
APC Ambulatory Payment Classification
OPPS Outpatient Prospective Payment System
Type of Service (BETOS & CMS)
Medicare contractors and carriers
CAC, Crosswalk, Mapping
Medicare Code Edits (Age, Gender, Questionable and Unacceptable Principal diagnosis, Non-covered Procedures)
HAC Hospital Acquired Conditions , POA Present On Admission, PQRS Physician Quality Reporting System, Dual coding, Personal Lists