iGrabbit 정보
Free voucher from various brands for grab.Just 2 steps:Scanning QR code, Redeem.
Free voucher and promotion from various brands is up for grab in your iwallet. Just 3 simple steps by scanning the QR code, redeem and enjoy.
- Create your own profile and iWallet
- Easy and convenient to use as in when you are interested on the deal, just “grab it”.
- No payment transaction require.
- Can grab a multiple deals at the same time.
- Unlimited redemption per day.
- Deals is being updated from time to time
- Able to share your best deal info at multiple social media platform – Facebook, Google + and Twitter.
- Available on all smartphones and is free for download.
- Grabbit app works on your existing data plan or WiFi connection.
Grabbit App Feature:
- Conceive of “Exclusive Deals” from big brands and day to day “Feature Deals”
All deals is provided with full information on
- Redemption location and address
- Operation hour
- Merchant’s description and
- Terms and Conditions of redemption.
- Is user’s iwallet, where user can view all the deal that has been grab from our ad or from the app.
- That allow’s user to scan on our advertisement for the latest deal.
- Inclusive of searching by product and services categories or by location.
- A simple user profile is require in order for account verification purpose.