Trace your profile and your friends and find out if you match!
Launched in early July 2015 the application for Android "Improve Your Relationships" is designed to help us understand what happens to us and the people around us in a very simple and practical way.
How many times throughout the day we came across awkward and annoying situations because a person did the work in a different way than you would have done, because they left everything messy or because they disagree with the way you want to do.
Not to mention the difficulties that couples face on a daily basis just by having different tastes and habits.
The purpose of this application is to be able to reveal to people, with only eight simple questions who they are. Not only revealing but understanding what are the references they use to think, relate, communicate and what influence their actions.
The user has the possibility to profile others and perform crossing knowing well what will be the result of interaction between them, and an overview of what actions to take to maintain a better relationship.
The benefits achieved when you begin to understand yourself and understand the people with whom you relate in everyday life are incalculable. Quickly improve your self-control capacity and therefore your ability to lead, motivate and encourage others.
The construction of the application "Improve Your Relationships" is the result of a thorough survey that follows the reasoning that we are guided by natural processes such as speed, time, visible or invisible interactions, of action-reaction law, the law of balance, frequency bands, attraction of opposites and that every action has - beginning, middle and end.
The results obtained from these eight simple questions, each related to one of these processes, allows us to know how we think, relate, communicate and what influences our actions.
The result of understanding how we function offers the possibility to improve and interact with people in a conscious way, thus improving your relationships.