Imran vs Nawaz - Power Game 정보
원하지 않는 정치인에 쳐서 좋아하는 정치인에 포인트를 줘 (역할 놀이)
Following massive allegations of rigging in the Pakistan 2013 general election, former cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan's political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) hesitantly accepted the election results demanding a probe into electoral rigging in 4 constituencies as a litmus test for the rest of the election process. Government inaction in this regard led the PTI to organise several jalsas (lit. protest demonstrations) throughout Punjab, which is prime minister Nawaz Sharif's political stronghold.
This game will reflects your views. You will choose your Favorited politician and tap/ click on your undesired politician and this action will change the image to your Favorited politician.
When all images will be converted in your Favorited politician, you will listen your favorite slogan/mantra/chant, GO NAWAZ GO or RO IMRAN RO and points will be awarded.There are four levels (Faisalabad, Karachi, Lahore, Pakistan) from easy to difficult.
(Note: you can send more suggestion make this free game more interesting)