Investing Trading - Course and Blockchain Guide
Investing Trading - Course and Blockchain Guide 정보
무엇을 배우게 될지 : 블록 체인이 무엇인지에 대한 깊은 이해 ...
What will you learn:
Profound understanding of what blockchain and is its potential global impact
Develop a solid fundamental understanding of the inner workings of blockchain with detailed explanations of “mining”, decentralized consensus, cryptography, smart contracts and many other important concepts
Recognize the opportunities in the blockchain business landscape
Understand many popular and important blockchain projects and crypto-assets
Learn how many large corporations are already implementing blockchain technology
Have a clear and realistic view on the current state of blockchain technology with its issues, limitations and potential solutions that can take it to the next level
Learn why blockchain is referred to as the “internet of money”
Business applications of blockchain technology
Gain a broader perspective on innovation with the new paradigm and frameworks brought by blockchain including decentralized organizational structures, networks and applications
Project the potential impact of blockchain on many sectors like finance, consumer & retail, media, transportation & logistics, technology and the internet of things
Identify potential new tech leaders and how blockchain can impact the current tech giants like Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook
Keep up-to-date with the latest important projects shaping up the emerging third generation of blockchain technology