IP Cam Viewer Lite 정보
Remotely view listen control and record network cameras webcams dvrs and nvrs.
Remotely access and control your IP camera, digital video recorder, network recorder and webcam.
Awarded Best Software in Utilities category for 2011
List of devices supported:
Feature Highlights:
• 1600+ devices supported including NVRs and DVRs.
• Broad protocol support RTSP/ONVIF/MMSH and more.
• MPEG4/H265/H264/MJPEG codec support.
• Control PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom), relay and other device functions.
• Camera grouping, auto sequence, mass actions.
• Export/Import using sdcard, email or Dropbox.
• App wide password protection, SSL/HTTPS and cloudless privacy.
• Scan camera capability for automatic driver selection.
• Home screen and lock screen widgets.
• Cross platform support for all your mobile devices.
Upgrade inside app or download Pro version to unlock:
• No ads.
• 2-way audio and background audio support for many devices.
• In-app motion detection.
• Record mode for 24/7 recording of all cameras.
• Embedded web server for remote control of app, Tasker integration, or use as a transcoder/proxy.
• Chromecast and Android Wear support.
Permissions description:
What's new in the latest 7.6.4
IP Cam Viewer Lite apk 정보
IP Cam Viewer Lite의 오래된 버전
IP Cam Viewer Lite 7.6.4
IP Cam Viewer Lite 7.6.3
IP Cam Viewer Lite 7.6.2
IP Cam Viewer Lite 7.6.1
Partner Developer
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