IP Tools 정보
확인 등 IP 위치 조회, 블랙리스트 확인, 프록시 - 모든 하나의 IP 도구 앱
This is straight forward app where user can perform many IP tools functions within just one app including:
IP Address Location Check with Google Map
Internet Speed Test - HTML 5, No Flash
IP Blacklist Check - whether your IP is listed in any known IP blacklists
Proxy Check - If your IP is considered as Proxy or VPN ?
rDNS Checker - Check hostname, PTR record or Reverse DNS of an IP address instantly.
Domain Whois Lookup - Check whois details of a domain name
IP Whois Lookup - Find who is behind an IP address, find email address of registrant of an IP Address to report abuse etc.
DNS Lookup - Looks up DNS record of any domain name
Useragent Infor - Find useragent
Email source - Find Source/IP of sender email server to report any abuse.