Itz My Show 정보
ItzMyShow에서 좋아하는 영화, 드라마 또는 다른 많은 프로그램을 온라인으로 시청하십시오.
Watch your favourite Movie/Drama/Shows anytime, anywhere with Itz My Show.
ItzMyShow is a streaming service that offers a wide variety of movies, drama, Variety shows and more on the confidence of your finger tips. Complete entertainment in the safety of your home.
Itz My Show enables the producer, film maker, drama creator, artists, and all kind of content creator to showcase their content online securely without having to sell of their valuable rights at low prices. Also, you get complete control of when to showcase, to whom and at what rate. We just charge a nominal fee for our service.
If you are a producer or an independent film maker / content creator and would like to take advantage of this service email to [email protected]