IWA Coin 정보
암호 화폐 거래 앱
About IWA Coin
With the current trend of social e-commerce becoming more famous worldwide, especially in Southeast Asia, buying, selling, and exchanging are getting more and more digitalized. Therefore, IWA Coin was created to serve as a medium of exchange for all online platforms such as Social E-Commerce, online games, or general stores.
Accessibility and user-friendliness of IWA coin’s development are the features that make it very easy to use, even for the users who do not know cryptocurrencies well. Tokens can be easily and swiftly purchased via the IWA application or general trading sites. IWA coins can also be mined by IWA WiFi Smart Nodes.
The primary targets for IWA coins are general stores, small shops in cities with access to the internet, and online games and applications that give away rewards that are looking for an exchange medium for buying, selling, and rewarding the app users in a way that doesn’t involve cash or time consuming and complex procedures at the bank.
Regarding the marketing strategy, IWA Coin will use social media channels and member referral programs to gain recognition from more people.
Soon, cash payment and cash withdrawal via debit card will also be available for members.