IWGuide 정보
가장 쉬운 방법은 넷플릭스 스트리밍 카탈로그에 변경된 내용을 발견합니다.
IWGuide (Instant Watch Guide) version 2 is a free application to let you discover what are the movies or TV shows newly added or soon to be removed from Netflix streaming catalog.
No Netflix subscription required to use the application, but a Netflix subscription is required to watch any movie or TV show.
Every day IWGuide's content will be updated and so you can discover quickly:
- what has been released on Netflix streaming catalog in the past few days (7 to 14 days)
- what are the titles going away in the next few days
- what are the best recent top rated titles currently on Netflix streaming catalog (recent mean in the last 5 years)
In addition you can read the movie/tv show synopsis, watch -when available- video trailer, browse different photos, view the list of actors, and directors. You can quickly share the title you found with the built-in sharing feature: post to Facebook, Twitter, email, open in Netflix app, etc...
IWGuide currently support the following countries for Netflix catalog: USA, United Kingdom, France, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Colombia, Argentina, Belgium, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Poland, Denmark, New Zealand, and Ecuador.
If your country is not listed above, please contact us by email.
IWGuide in addition try to display the detail for movie and tv show in different languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Japanese.
** IMPORTANT **: the detail in a particular language is dependent on its availability on themoviedb.org web site. Some synopsis and other details may have been translated and sometimes they are not. We do not have control of what is translated or not. Visit themoviedb.org web site and learn how you can help.
Visit: https://www.iwguide.com for more information, please email us if you have any questions before posting a review.
What's new in the latest 2.0.1
Various bug fixes to avoid application crashes
Minor localization adjustment