Jharsandi English Boarding School 정보
이것은 학교 관리 시스템을위한 완벽한 모바일 응용 프로그램입니다.
- Find out information about upcoming events and programs.
- Experience dynamic media like photos, videos of different programs.
- Class/Exam Routine to keep student's routines.
- Assignment Update to view daily assignments.
- Attendance to be sure about their child is present/absent in school.
- Live Bus Route with GPS Tracking
- Student's profile, Teacher contact, dress code, and gallery
Leave Application, message privately to teachers (Message) and many more...
- School Calendar to get information on academic days, holidays, celebrations, exams, vacation and all important dates.
- News & Events to see the events happening in school.
- Attendance notifications.
Appreciation/ Suggestions
Message privately to school.