Journey Management System 정보
끝은 여정 관리 및 위험 평가 시스템을 종료하려면
JMS is an end to end mobile and web application that enables staff members to submit a digital Journey Management Plan to their managers in line with any company’s HSSE policies regarding road travel. This helps companies to remain informed of staff transit schedules, destinations, potential risks and other relevant information regarding their journeys.
With JMS, we provide a simplified process where managers easily view and approve submitted requests. From there, JMS will calculate on its own where an employee or contractor should stopover for rest or resume their journey resulting in effective fatigue management. JMS will inform you of staff arrival at their check-in points and will escalate notifications if they miss their check-in point ETA by a predetermined amount of time gaining you precious minutes in ensuring employee safety.
JMS is auditable for internal or client reporting purposes and is customisable so as to align with any company’s risk mitigation strategies.
From departure and safety alerts, to incidents and arrival, JMS will keep you updated about everything that happens on the journey.
With us, the safety of your staff is our highest priority.