Junior English Essays 정보
학생들을 위해 작성 주니어 영어 에세이. 쉽게 읽을 수 및 검색.
Junior English Essays writing for students. Easily readable and searchable.
Essay List:
Road safety
My first day at school
A visit to the dentist
Caught in a storm
An unforgettable experience
My Classmates
My neighbours
My favourite time of the day
A Journey by Car
A Picnic by the Sea
A Nightmare
The Mad Woman
My Hobby
A birthday party
My favorite TV cartoon characters
Things I like to do
An Accident
A Fire
A Robbery
A Busy Street
My favorite subject in school
The haunted house
My First Ride on a Ferry
The day I won a prize
The day I lost my wallet
An autobiography of a motorcycle
The Newspaperman
A day in the life of a bus driver
Danger at home
The importance of physical exercise
A visit to the market
Power failure
Water supply disruption
Visiting a durian orchard
An unpleasant experience
Confined to the house
Something unexpected
Ways of improving my English
Freak weather
Places I like to visit
Some funny people I have met
Teachers' Day
Birds in my garden
A frightful experience
The way we eat
The garbage collectors
A close brush with death
Preparing for an examination
Punished in School
Teachers, good and bad
A visit to a jungle
My first acting role
Crew Cut
At a shopping complex
A painful lesson
How I spent the weekend
Turning over a new leaf
Visiting a book fair
How I can stop wasting things in the house
Games I like to play
Walking in the rain
A visit to a doctor
The air we breathe
Smart Studying
A madman
Describe an exhibition that you have visited
The Internet
Keeping a healthy lifestyle
A hit-and-run accident
HIV infection and AIDS
Describe the things that irritate you the most
In a dilemma
A silly mistake
Facing up to a bully
Nuclear energy
How do you spend your free time ?
My friends
My Neighbour
Describe a visit to a dentist