Kalidas sahitya in hindi 정보
칼리 다스 사티 야, 카비 칼리다스, 칼리 다스, 칼리 다스, 퓨바 맥, uttarameg
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Kalidas was a classical Sanskrit writer, widely regarded as the greatest poet and dramatist in the Sanskrit language of India. His plays and poetry are primarily based on the Vedas, the Mahabharata and the Puranas.
Malavikagnimitram ("Pertaining to Malavika and Agnimitra") tells the story of King Agnimitra, who falls in love with the picture of an exiled servant girl named Malavika. When the queen discovers her husband's passion for this girl, she becomes infuriated and has Malavika imprisoned, but as fate would have it, Malavika is in fact a true-born princess, thus legitimizing the affair.
A poem of 111 stanzas, it is one of Kalidasa's most famous works. The work is divided into two parts, Purvamegh and Uttaramegh. It recounts how a yaksha, a subject of King Kubera (the god of wealth), after being exiled for a year to Central India for neglecting his duties, convinces a passing cloud to take a message to his wife at Alaka on Mount Kailasa in the Himalaya mountain.
मेघदूत महाकवि कालिदास द्वारा रचित विख्यात दूतकाव्य है। इसमें एक यक्ष की कथा है जिसे कुबेर अलकापुरी से निष्कासित कर देता है। निष्कासित यक्ष रामगिरि पर्वत पर निवास करता है। वर्षा ऋतु में उसे अपनी प्रेमिका की याद सताने लगती है। कामार्त यक्ष सोचता है कि किसी भी तरह से उसका अल्कापुरी लौटना संभव नहीं है, इसलिए वह प्रेमिका तक अपना संदेश दूत के माध्यम से भेजने का निश्चय करता है।
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