Kannada Jathaka & Calendar 정보
Jathaka에 대한 칸나다어 Jathaka 및 달력, 캘린더, Astrology.Check의 라시의 bhavishya
Kannada Jathaka & Calendar App is for a complete Jathaka analysis in Kannada.
This Kannada Jathaka& Calendar App provides Jathaka, Jathaka & Nakshatra Matching, Daily Calendar, Monthly Calendar, Astrology.
Rashi Bhavishya - Daily,Weekly,Monthly,Year. Festivals, Muhurtham Days,Numerology,Birthday Number, Bank holidays.
Gochar-Shani,Guru; Bhakthi Songs; Vrat Days; Meaning of dreams & mole;
Shastram-Vastu,Manaiyadi; Temples.
1. Kannada Jathaka - By filling the date,time,gender,place of birth with country.We can see our birth chart & details of our Jathaka in Kannada.
2. Jathaka Matching - Jathaka matching for male & female by date of birth,time,place etc. We can see the matching for marriage in Kannada.
3. Nakshatra Matching - Horoscope matching for boy & girl by nakshathram can be viewed.
4. Daily Calendar - Daily date, day, ragu, yamakandam, etc. are given in Kannada.
5. Monthly Calendar - By selecting the month & year we can view the details of the date, day, etc. in Kannada.
6. Panchanga - Daily panchanga details like date, day, thiti, nakshatram, yogam, ragu, etc.is given you can select your place & country also.
7. Daily Rashi Bhavishya - We can view our daily rashi bhavishya detail's for all 12 rashi's in Kannada.You can select your rashi and read it.
8. Weekly Rashi Bhavishya - Detail's for all 12 rashi's for every week can be viewed in Kannada.
9. Monthly Rashi Bhavishya - All 12 Rashi detail's for each month is given in Kannada.
10. Yearly Rashi Bhavishya - 12 rashi bhavishya detail's for the year 2017 can be given in Kannada.
11. Muhurtham Days - Best muhurtham day's & time is given for auspicious functions like marriage, gruhapravesam, purchasing of things etc.we can select our function.
12. Festivals - We can get the details of Kannada festivals for each month.
13. Numerology - We can calculate & get a person details by entering name,date of birth,place,etc.in English.
14. Numerology Prediction - By watching & reading about each number, we can get the numerology details for the year 2017 in Kannada.
15. Birth Day Number - We can look up our birth date,to see what the number says about us in English.
16. Shani Gochar - We can view our saturn transit [Shani Gochar] detail's for all 12 rashi's in Kannada.You can select your rashi and read it.
17. Guru Gochar - Gochar for jupiter transit [Guru] for all 12 rashi's are given in English.
18. Rashi Stone - Gem Details for all 12 rashi's,nakshatram,etc. are given.By viewing we can know what gem to wear for our rashi, nakshatram, etc.
19. Vastu Tips - Remidies & Tips for vastu is given in Kannada.
20. Manaiyadi Shastram - We can know the details of measurement to construct our new house,it gives the information of length,breath for the construction of rooms like pooja room,bed room ,kitchen,hall,etc.
21. Vastu Shastra - We can know the details of vastu to construct a new house with suitable place for different rooms like pooja room,bed room ,kitchen,hall,etc.
22. Vrat Days - We can view amavasai, pournami, pradosham, karthigai, ashtami, navami,etc. for each month.
23. Bank Holidays - Information of the bank holidays for Karnataka with date, day, month, event is given.
24. Temples - List of Hindu temples in Karnataka is given, you can get all the information about each temple.
25. Dream Meaning - You can read the meaning of dream's in Kannada.
26. Mole Meaning - Meaning of the mole in different parts of the body is given in Kannada.
27. Bhakthi Songs - Play the wonderful devotional songs in Kannada for pooja,festivals, etc.
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Added 2017 Rashi Bhavishya & Predictions,
Calendar -Daily & Monthly, details for important days like Muhurtham, Festivals ,Vrat
Bank holidays. Gochar-Shani,Guru details are given.
Bhakthi Songs; Temples;
Shastram- Vastu,Manaiyadi; Meaning of dreams & mole.