karate has a fighting style used
Karate is a martial art that breaks itself from an opponent attack karate martial arts a sport that many people learn karate consists of the first two meanings is kara and means empty and the second te means two meaningful hands together means empty hand that is the exercise basic karate techniques such as kicking and kicking the horses are one of the most important basic movements because the horses are the cornerstone of all the blow moves is a movement no less important to the horses because the very punch we need to attack the opponent besides or kicks In attacking an opponent other than with a punch in Karate can also use a kick with different shapes and forms in accordance with the needs and situations encountered in general used in the fight with a distance that is not too close uke rhythm is not like a kick or a punch on the denial position of body ki ta must be sideways or in line with horse horses this is in order so that if a blow or kick missed our reply does not concern our bodies.