Karomah Syech Abdul Qadir 정보
Syech Abdul Qadir is a saint and Sufi who was given karomah by Allah
Regarding the karomah which is believed to be owned by Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani, there are many stories and legends spread in Islamic tradition.
Syech Abdul Qadir's karomah includes bringing dead animals to life, providing food suddenly, curing illnesses, and being able to control nature and talk to wild animals.
Sheikh Abdul Qadir is known as the ruler of the saints (Sulthan al-Auliya') and the leader of the Sufis (Imam al-Ashfiya').
The Karomah Syech Abdul Qadir application is equipped with reading media features, to increase knowledge including:
+ Book of Futuhul Ghaib
+ Book of Sirrul Asror
+ Istighosah Guide
+ Complete history of Wali Songo
+ The Mystery of the Prophet Khidr
+ Stories of Ulama & Tabiin