Know Yourself 정보
이 응용 프로그램은 당신의 성격에 당신의 자질과 약한 영역을 알 수 있습니다.
Know Yourself is a great app to explore yourself. Just take the Personality Test and find your Personality Type. You can know your qualities and your weak areas by using this app and solving some of the internationally well-known Personality Test questions.
Know Yourself is TOP RATED in Personality Test Apps
Know Yourself offers you
🔸Leadership Quiz🔸
⭐How Good Are Your Leadership Skills?
⭐What's your Leadership Style?
⭐Is your Leadership Style creative or rigid?
⭐People first or goals first?
Take this Leadership Styles Assessment and see what kind of leadership style you have!
🔸Big Five🔸
⭐Big Five find your scores on the Big Five Personality Traits with this free, scientifically validated psychological assessment. You'll discover how you measure up in the five factors of personality: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
You can do self analysis and discover yourself by taking this free Personality Test. Know Yourself help individuals to discover their personal strengths and weakness in their personality. The app have questions on the principles of psychology and by solving them, the scores tell us about ourselves. This is the best place where you can know your personality in a wide scope.