Kombucha 101 Audio Guide 정보
고대 형태의 발효 차 Kombucha를 사용하여 건강을 최적의 상태로 유지하십시오
LookingTo Improve Your Health...Naturally?
Discover Exactly How You Can Get Your Body To Optimal Health Through Using An Ancient Form Of Fermented Tea Called Kombucha
Revealed... The Truth About The Health Giving Tea Also Known As "The Tea Of Immortality
Dear Friend,
Are you suffering with health problems that are getting you down... maybe even making life miserable?
Does it seem like you’ve tried and tried everything out there to get to heal your body, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re still plagued with:
• Inner Health Issues
• Afflicted With Illness
• Lost With What To Do Next
Well guess what...YOU are not alone!
Cast your fears aside. Your health and body constantly seek to improve and get better. You just need to assist them.
This finally brings us to the main point… Kombucha.
First and foremost, Kombucha is a fermented tea also known as “the tea of immortality”.
It is naturally effervescent much like carbonated beverages, and contains tea, water, sugar, healthy bacteria, and yeast. The healthy bacteria and yeast are what work together to ferment this beverage which gives kombucha its many health benefits
If you go into any health food store and even many other stores that sell drinks, you will find kombucha, often in a huge variety of brands and flavors. Although it’s been around for thousands of years, it’s only been in recent years that it’s gained popularity in the United States and is being hailed as a healthy drink that has a number of benefits, which we will cover in this guide
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This is for informational purposes only.