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This learning psychology study app will provide you most important and informative chapters and lessons for basic psychology study.
Psychology is one of the most popular majors on college and university campuses all over the world, but that does not mean that you have to earn a degree in psychology to learn more about the human mind and behavior. Today, there are plenty of great ways to learn more about the human mind and behavior such as taking a college course, signing up for a free online class or self-studying using online resources. Explore the links below to find the tools, resources, quizzes and information you need to learn more about the wide world of psychology. Have a seat and make yourself comfortable, we are about to start class.
The two important processes that inform the practice of clinical psychology include psychotherapy and psychological assessments (psychometric assessments and clinical assessments). However, clinical psychologists are also trained and equipped to do forensic testimony, clinical programme development, research, tutoring, supervising, neuropsychological assessments and much more...
Introduction to Psychology
Influence of Research on Psychology
Experimental Research
Types of Research
The Brain and Nervous System
Development, Personality, and Stage Theories
Motor and Cognitive Development
Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development
Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
Learning Theory and Behavioral Psychology
Classical and Operant Conditioning
Reinforcement Schedules
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Psychology as a Science
The Evolution of Psychology: Central Questions, History, and Contemporary Perspectives
The ManyDisciplines of Psychology
Psychologists Use the Scientific Method to Guide Their Research
PsychologistsUseDescriptive, Correlational, and Experimental Research Designs toUnderstand
Factors that Contribute to Credible Research
The Neuron Is the Building Block of the Nervous System
The Brain
Psychologists Study the Brain Using ManyDifferent Methods
TheNervous System and the Endocrine System
Sleeping andDreaming
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Cognition andConditioning
Other Forms of Learning based on Cognition
Encoding and Storage:How Our Perceptions Become Memories
The Biology of Memory
Sеlf Concept
Grаtіtudе Dеfіnіtіоn
Sеlf Actualization
Shоrt аnd Long term Memory
Social Psychology Dеfіnіtіоn
Cоgnіtіvе Psychology
Pѕусhіаtrу Intrоduсtіоn
Psychological Dіѕоrdеrѕ
Pѕусhіаtrу Trеаtmеntѕ
Strеѕѕ Mаnаgеmеnt
Whаt Iѕ Strеѕѕ
Common Sіgnѕ and Sуmрtоmѕ оf Strеѕѕ
Strеѕѕ Management Tірѕ