Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece: Quiz 정보
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Do you like the answers to the questions? Gods of Olympus, now in your smartphone! Check your knowledge in the history, myths and legends of ancient Greece, the mythology and history of the ancient world!
According to the legends and myths of ancient Greece, you can recreate a picture of the world in the view of its ancient inhabitants. Thus, according to Greek mythology, the world was inhabited by monsters and giants: giants, one-eyed cyclops (Cyclops) and the mighty Titans - menacing children of Earth (Gays) and Sky (Uranus). In these images, the Greeks personified the elemental forces of nature, which were conquered by Zeus (Dias) - the Thunderbird and the Bladebugger, who established order in the world and became the ruler of the Universe.
In the view of the ancient Greeks, the Olympian gods were similar to people and the relations between them resembled relations between people: they quarreled and put up, envied and interfered in the lives of people, were offended, took part in wars, rejoiced, enjoyed themselves and fell in love. Each of the gods had a specific occupation, responsible for a specific area of life:
1. Zeus (Diaz) - the ruler of heaven, the father of gods and people.
2. Hera (Ira) - the wife of Zeus, the patroness of the family.
3. Poseidon - the lord of the seas.
4. Hestia (Estia) - the defender of the family hearth.
5. Demeter (Dimitra) - the goddess of agriculture.
6. Apollo - the god of light and music.
7. Athena - the goddess of wisdom.
8. Hermes (Ermis) - the god of commerce and the herald of the gods.
9. Hephaestus (Ifestos) - the god of fire.
10. Aphrodite - the goddess of beauty.
11. Ares (Aris) - the god of war.
12. Artemis - the goddess of the hunt.
Knowledge of the main plots of ancient Greek mythology is necessary for any cultural person.
Welcome to the world of legends and myths of ancient Greece and Greek mythology!