Lesson 2 Contaminants 정보
이 응용 프로그램은 버섯의 오염 물질에 관한 것입니다.
Training is an important part of a company’s food safety program. This training App is brought to you by the American Mushroom Institute (AMI) and focuses on the three types of contaminants that can represent a risk of contamination to mushrooms. Mushroom industry employees will learn how physical, chemical and biological contaminants can contaminate mushrooms, and what practices employees need to follow to help prevent and control these hazards.
Each AMI Food Safety Training App includes interactive activities, videos and quizzes to ensure employees are engaged throughout the course. At the end of each App, there is a multiple choice quiz or an activity to verify the employee has properly learned the information presented in the App.
Other AMI Training Apps include:
• The ABCs of Food Safety
• Personal Hygiene on a Mushroom Farm
• Personal Hygiene in a Mushroom Packinghouse
• Handwashing on a Mushroom Farm
• Handwashing in a Mushroom Packinghouse
• Cross-contamination on the Farm
• Cross-contamination in the Packinghouse
• Food Defense
• Mushroom Industry Worker Safety Training Program
Each training app is available in English and Spanish.
This program was developed by Food Safety Consulting and Training Solutions, LLC for the American Mushroom Institute and the Mushroom Council.