Lie Detector Simulator 정보
(농담 응용 프로그램) 진실을 테스트 거짓말 탐지기 시뮬레이터.
Lie Detector Simulator is funny game, which scans your finger and decides if you are telling truth. Ask question and hold finger on the fingerprint scanner until lie detector app scans and calculates the result. When the green light turns on, you are telling truth. When red light turns on, you are lying. You can also prank and make fun of your friends or others by presetting result. Just press volume button during scanning. Press volume up button for truth and volume down button for lie.
- Prank mode for presetting result
- Lie detector analyzes your fingerprint
- Beautiful graphics
- Hours of fun with this lie detector simulator!
Truth or lie is not determined by your finger print. This app is a prank app - does not really detect if a person lies.