Lyrics of Ishq Ne Krazy Kiyare 정보
Ishq 네 크레이지 Kiyare 힌디어 노래의 가사를 가져 오기
Welcome to Lyrics of Ishq Ne Krazy Kiyare, here you will get all Hindi Songs Lyrics of Ishq Ne Krazy Kiyare movie.
Ishq Ne Krazy Kiyare is a hindi movie which was released on 30th October 2015. Naresh Malhotra directed the movie and Santosh Kataria, Radhey Shyam Sharma, Alok Singh produced it. Ishq Ne Krazy Kiyare movie features Mugdha Godse, Nishant Malkani, Madhurima Banerjee in lead roles. Meet Bros Anjjan, Lalit Pandit, Altaf Sayyad, Tarun Rishi, Rishi Singh, Rishi Sidharth composed the music for this movie. The lyrics were written by Atiya Sayyed, Kulwant Garaia, Ravi Basnet, Tarun Rishi, Kumaar and Sameer. The tracklist for this movie is Young Young Lounde, Tadpaave Ishq Mein, Kuch Din Se Ik Junoon Hai Bakhuda, Tere Bin Nahi Rehna, Tu Paas Itne Mere, Ishq Achchha Lagata hai, Tu Dua Hai Dua.
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