Magazine Photo Frame 정보
Set images as famous magazine cover page & share on social networking sites.
Sometimes while reading famous Cover Story on popular magazines, you can see their pictures on the cover of such magazines
,Now you can also become instantly famous with 'Magazine Photo Frame'"a free android app".This is the best chance for you
to become a celebrity.By using this app,you can be on the covers of the most popular magazines in the world.
How To Use:
Step 1:There are Two Options here from where you can set the image in different Awesome Magazine frames .
Step 2:Chooses the images,& set these images on different, famous and awesome magazine cover images.
Step 3:Save this magazine photo frame images in gallery and used as per you make yourself famous.
Step 4:Set these beautiful magazine photo frames images as live wallpapers.
Step 5:You can also share these images using social networking sites like Facebook,Twitter,Google+ etc.
Step 6: You can like magazine photo Frame application & rating.
Note:If you have any queries & question regarding this app,feel free contact us on [email protected].